On the first day of this year, I started this blog (http://candidconversationswithmarquita.blogspot.com/2011/01/just-start-already.html). It was a huge step for me. At the time, I was thinking that it was time for me to start. Sure, I was already doing a lot, but for every one thing I was doing, there were two more that I wanted to do. I decided this year that I'd just do them already. What a year it has been!
I have to admit, 2011 was not an easy year by any stretch of the imagination. Ya gyrl, has gone through some thangs! However, the good far out weighs the bad and the ugly. (the good, bad, and ugly of 2011 will be explored in a yet-to-be written blog post so stay tuned.) But everything, whether its been good, bad, or ugly, has led me here, to this moment.
As I stand at the threshold of 2012, I would be remiss if I did not revisit the goals I set for myself at the beginning of 2011 or if I did not set any new goals for 2012. Setting goals for the new year is nothing new. People do it all the time. They call it "making resolutions". But here's the gotcha: you already know what will happen in 2012. Why do you need resolutions?
Yes, you already know what is going to happen in 2012. You know what you want and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you even know how to get it. If you know what you want and how to get it, then you already know what will happen in 2012. Either you are going to work harder to be more and have more, or you will continue to find reasons to deny yourself the success you know you deserve. I believe they call that "making excuses".
At the beginning of this year, I challenged you to start already. For 2012, I challenge you to act upon what you already know. Happy New Year!
-Until our next Candid Conversation....