Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just Start Already

As we begin a new year, we start to think of all the things we've done, haven't done, and still want to do. I began to have these thoughts myself a few days ago and they led me to a realization: I have done a lot of the things that I said I wanted to do with my life. As a child, I wanted to be a teacher. I have been teaching for ten years. I always loved to dance, but wanted the confidence to perform. I danced with a group for about eight years and continue to dance on a regular basis. I used to think it would be great if I owned my own business. Three years ago, I joined the travel industry and run an online agency from my home. I'd say I have been pretty good about meeting the personal goals that I set for myself with one exception.

I have always enjoyed writing and I have found myself saying on many occassions "I'm going to become a writer one day". I used to write stories and make greeting cards for my mother. I used to write a weekly inspirational thought for the church that I attended in college. I have written short stories, academic papers, newsletters for various organizations, and instruction manuels. I write everyday! I am already a writer! All I have to do is just get started. So here we are, on January 1, 2011 and I am officially a writer.

The take-home message of my first Candid Conversation is that we all need to just start already. Whatever we have always wanted to be and do, is already within us. The talent and passion exists, so just start already!

Thank you friends and I look forward to our many Candid Conversations. Happy New Year!


  1. I'd have to agree, all it takes is a little focus and dedication to make goals attainable. I never really was a goal setting person, then I changed all of that 5 years ago, and now I'm in a better position because of it. I'm still striving to reach some of my goals but as of now I'm proud of what I have done. So I have "just started already" and I couldn't be happier!

  2. Congratulations Marquita! What a motivation you are! I can see 2011 will be a ground-breaking year for you. You said it best - just start already! And I, for one, am doing just that. JUST DO IT!

  3. WOW! I am scared of you! Smiling all over. are doing it big time and I am motivated by al that you are and all you have yet to become. SMH.

  4. Thanks so much Mo. I'm just borrowing a page from your manual!
