Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Never Satisfied

Trying to please people is a daunting task to say the least. No matter what you do, it undoubtedly will never be enough in some people's eyes. Sometimes that person is the one you see when you look in the mirror. Sometimes, meeting our own standards is harder than meeting those set by others.

For the past twelve days, I have been on a 90-Day Challenge to get fit! ( - YES, I plugged my business!) I have always been a petite girl and despite compliments from friends and strangers alike, my body was/is not up to my personal standards. I am accustomed to looking a certain way and anything less is unacceptable to me. When I think about this though, I treat several other areas of my life the same way. In terms of education level, career, and personal achievement, most would say I am doing well. In my eyes, I am still so very far from where I want to be.

Don't get me wrong, I am beyond grateful for all that I have and am. I know that the Lord has been gracious in providing me with the talents and opportunities that I have been able to enjoy thus far. I have done more than I ever thought I would and for that, I can't complain at all. But I want more. So much more. There are so many things I'd like to try, so many more places I have yet to go, and goals that only God and I are aware of. My fear, though, is that it will always be this way. And if it is always this way, what does that mean for me and how the rest of my life will play out?

Is it possible that I may never be satisfied? Am I chasing pavements? I truly do not think this is the case. I believe that my personal satisfaction comes in pushing myself to the next level. My satisfaction comes from being able to set a goal for myself and then holding myself accountable to make it reality. I am satisfied when I know that God has charged me to complete a task and I have the courage to approach that task and stick with it.

In my opinion, satisfaction means there is nothing left to work for. Why should we be content with a snack when God has promised us a feast? Each person has his/her own dreams and aspirations. If you have not met yours, I urge you to revisit those things that once occupied your mind incessantly. Look back upon those dreams that have somehow been placed on hold and ask yourself if you have truly lived up to the potential that God has placed within you. As for me, I don't think I could ever do enough to live up to all that God has placed within me and neither could you. I challenge you to be never satisfied.

Thank you for your time. This has been another Candid Conversation with Marquita.


  1. Why should we be content with a snack when God has promised us a feast?


  2. Wow! This is fantastic! I think that is why you, Carole and I get along so very well & WILL come out on top. "Overachievers, Type A, Never Satisfied." We know our limitations, but we also know our talens and abilities. God has promised us as much as we can deliver and then some! SO many people not fulfilling their purpose. I am so glad you realize that we are constantly evolving. We never stop growing~unless we choose to. Amen.
